last day of the creative writing project

Today was fun. Despite me having had the oddest morning i´ve had in a while due to my dog acting up and literally running away, not listening at all.

We wrote our stories today, which i found incredibly calming and fun. I´m not sure how much sense my story makes to a reader that doesn´t know what i had in mind, but i tried to put myself in their shoes. It was quite interesting to try to read my story through different eyes, though i found it challenging to think of myself as an outsider and forget my own thoughts. That might have simultaneously been the hardest part of the day.

I liked the little hurdles i found myself presented with as i wrote my story. I sort of just typed away but sometimes i had thoughts of things i wanted to include and tried to gfind spots for them. Me spontaneously adding his wife into the story, which i luckily thought of after the first sentence so i didn´t need to rewrite anything, made it easier to find a reason for him to return to the house, other than it being his home. And not knowing how to have him die in the end was fun to figure out.

I had a great day and find it pretty darn sad that it´s already over. But you´re supposed to go when it´s nicest, so i suppose now´s as good a time as ever.

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